What is the Rabin Resume story?

Simple. I was given a golden opportunity back in 2005 to have an industry professional review my resume, and her only way to let me pay her was to pay it forward. Her Generosity landed me that job which changed my entire career trajectory for the better. I was barely 18 and that act of charity helped mold me into who I am today. Over time, that generosity and belief has evolved and has become my fundamental bed rock for how I support countless others in our industry. I stand true to that belief now as I did back then.

The way in which it has evolved is this:

Make a donation in any amount to any organization you wish and show me the receipt. That is the first step that we can take together on your journey to launching your career to new heights. I am not a charity or a profit-based business and have no intentions to be one. But your donation to your chosen organization helps that cause and sets our mind towards building blocks of empowering each other and those we will meet.

While I welcome all Aviators, my focus is on pilots who are close to reaching the infamous “1,500-hour” threshold. Having been one of the countless thousands who have had to slug thru the time building phase, the last thing I want to do is make you feel like there isn’t a fellow Aviator who is truly in your corner.

I believe that success not only comes from within, but from someone who wants to see you succeed without the stipulation that a large payment is made before services can begin. For many, that could be a financial strain that creates a hurdle you can’t jump.

Lastly, the transition from time building to professional Aviator can be daunting and being able to guide you thru the transition is something I value deeply.

I measure success by what it means to you to reach your goals.

As such, I cannot wait to see you succeed.



What are you going to get?

If you need help on your resume, figuring out how to make a career decision, navigate the everchanging hiring environment, interview preparation or even how to present your logbook professionally. That I can help you with.

Need someone to listen to your ‘elevator pitch’ or your various TMAAT’s and give feedback? That’s why I am here.

I can find no stronger guarantee than one that is steeped in passion, charity and a desire to help.

Your success is what you make of it. I am proud to help you reach yours.